The Art of Disney is amazing, and it is all around you at Disney. And even though it seems extraordinary, the ordinary guest can become the artist they dreamed of at Disney’s Animation Academy in Hollywood Studios!

Animation Academy

The Animation Academy is located in the Animation Courtyard. Just head down Hollywood Boulevard and take a right at The Hat!


As you enter the studio, each guest is seated at a Mickey lighted drawing table, with a piece of paper and pencil. You will notice that there are no erasers!


The room holds about 50 guests and is for all ages, young and the young at heart!

You will be taught by an official Disney artist who will walk you through the steps in building a character. Each artist chooses the character, so the class will change each time you take it! In fact, there is nothing stopping you from getting right back in line and taking back to back lessons!


The Artist sits in front of the class and teaches you step by step the art of drawing the wonderful world of Disney characters: you move in continuous lines, smooth circles and light strokes.


There are no mistakes and before you know it you have completed a masterpiece for you to take home!


Classes take place approximately every 30 minutes, and often fill to capacity. You want to be closer to the front in the waiting area, because they let a few extras in; however, these guests will be given handheld drawing boards rather than the more professional artist desks.

And the end of the class, the artist will give away his drawing, signed, with the correct answer to a Disney trivia question. So be quick to answer!


Hang around after the class, and get your picture taken with the artist!

The Animation Academy is a lot of fun and you will surprise yourself at what you can do! This overlooked attraction gives you a treat for the budding artist in your family, relief from the sun, a moment to relax and laugh at yourself, and way to express your #disneyside !

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