2015 August, 14

11 Ways to pass the time while waiting in line at Walt Disney World

2015-08-14T06:00:00-04:00August 14, 2015|Disney World|0 Comments

Disney World is a magical place, and your days will be full of excitement and wonder! But your days will also be full of waiting. Waiting for rides, waiting for food, waiting for parades, and so on. I want to share some of the things my family does to pass the time: 1. Rock Paper Scissors - This is the old stand-by. It requires no special tools, and my kids have been playing it since they were about three years old. Now that they are older, they enjoy making up new options like Tornado and Fireball (Those beat all the [...]

2015 August, 7

A Bug’s Land: California Adventure for the Wee Ones!

2015-08-07T06:00:00-04:00August 7, 2015|Disneyland|0 Comments

A Bug’s Land: California Adventure for the Wee Ones! Disneyland’s Diamond Celebration is an extravaganza for all ages including your youngest! And don’t forget that California Adventure Park is not just for teens and adults, it has a place just for those bug-sized family members, too, call A Bug’s Land! The two main attractions in A Bug’s Land are It’s Tough to be a Bug and Flik’s Fun Fair. It’s Tough to be a Bug is a 3D experience with Flick and Hopper and a few extra special effects! If you don’t like creepy crawlies, you might want to pass [...]

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