2014 April, 22

How do I plan a trip to Disney World?

2023-10-23T16:44:54-04:00April 22, 2014|Disney Travel, Disney World|0 Comments

“We’re going to Disney World” it seems so simple, that is until you try to start planning. “Where do we stay, what are hopper passes, do I need dining?” These are questions I hear daily and why having a knowledge travel agent can make the difference in your vacation experience. If you’re thinking of planning a trip to Disney this blog is for you, so let’s get started! The first thing your family needs to decide is dates and the more time to plan the better. I recommend booking at least 8 months in advance, if possible, this way when [...]

2013 November, 27

The Dreaded Vacation Task… PACKING!

2023-10-04T16:19:41-04:00November 27, 2013|Disney Travel, Disney World, tips|0 Comments

The Dreaded Vacation Task... PACKING! I love going on vacation, I really do. But I loathe one specific thing; packing. It’s just the worst.  Here are a few packing problems and some solutions that I have learned in my travels. Problem: The Over Packer: A weekend getaway, a week in the tropics, or an overnight stay. No matter what the length of the trip is, I always seem to over pack.  I do not end up wearing half of what I had packed and then there is no room to take anything home with me. Solution: When packing, think of [...]

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