1) Have you ever used alerts for your blog or otherwise? How was it useful?
This is something I have actually done recently. I read about it on this blog so I figured why not. I went in and set up alerts on my name, the name of the company, and a few other Disney sites I watch. It is interesting to get the alerts as I didn’t know anything about them before and it helps me see what is posted about me, who did it, and where it was posted.
2) What keywords did you use to set up alerts for today’s task?
Keywords Disney World, Disney Cruise Line, Disney vacation planning, Disney travel planner, free Disney planning, and there are some others I like to. I switch it up tracking different words and phrases.
So today I want to take a minute to tell my fellow #31DBBB bloggers that if you have been to Disney you need to jump over Magic Chat Live and register and then post your Best or Worst Disney Dining experience. The winner gets a $25.00 Disney Gift Card and voting opens up soon so come over and post your story for a chance to win.
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